MeTTA: Single-View to 3D Textured Mesh Reconstruction with Test-Time Adaptation

1Grad. School of AI, POSTECH, 2Dept. of Electrical Engineering, POSTECH, 3Bucketplace, 4Institute for Convergence Research and Education in Advanced Technology, Yonsei University
denotes corresponding authors
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2024
Best Poster Award

We propose MeTTA, which closes the domain gap between training and test time by jointly updating mesh, texture, and viewpoint with a carefully designed learnable virtual camera by leveraging the generative model prior.


Reconstructing 3D from a single view image is a long-standing challenge. One of the popular approaches to tackle this problem is learning-based methods, but dealing with the test cases unfamiliar with training data (Out-of-distribution; OoD) introduces an additional challenge. To adapt for unseen samples in test time, we propose MeTTA, a test-time adaptation (TTA) exploiting generative prior. We design joint optimization of 3D geometry, appearance, and pose to handle OoD cases. However, the alignment between the reference image and the 3D shape via the estimated viewpoint could be erroneous, which leads to ambiguity. To address this ambiguity, we carefully design learnable virtual cameras and their self-calibration. In our experiments, we demonstrate that MeTTA effectively deals with OoD scenarios at failure cases of existing learning-based 3D reconstruction models and enables obtaining a realistic appearance with physically based rendering (PBR) textures.


We propose a test-time adaptation pipeline to reconstruct a 3D mesh with PBR texture from a single-view image. “Ref. Image” refers to the reference input image. “Seg. Image” refers to the object-segmented image from “Ref. Image”.

Cross-domain Results

In-domain Results (Pix3D)

PBR Editing



        title={MeTTA: Single-View to 3D Textured Mesh Reconstruction with Test-Time Adaptation},
        author={Yu-Ji, Kim and Ha, Hyunwoo and Youwang, Kim and Surh, Jaeheung and Ha, Hyowon and Oh, Tae-Hyun},
        booktitle={The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},